Sister Elizabeth Kenny Memorial Sundial restoration works by J.H. Wagner & Sons.
The Sister Elizabeth Kenny Memorial Sundial is located on the corner of Herries Street and Victoria Street, Toowoomba. At the invitation of Toowoomba Council (now Toowoomba Regional Council) J.H. Wagner & Sons submitted a successful tender to carry-out restoration of the memorial. The tender submission offered by J.H. Wagner & Sons including replacing damaged sections of sandstone, elimination of vertical jointing which had previously allowed water ingress and optional recommendations including replacement of damaged concrete time markers with granite, relocation of the memorial approximately 10 metres to the west to permit full sun across the sundial, installation of granite paving compliant to wheel chair access regulations, replacement of sandstone base material with polished granite and the laying of new turf.
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Sister Elizabeth Kenny 1886 - 1952
The dedication panel on the Sundial memorial reads:
'In Gratitude. This memorial is erected in honour of
Sister Elizabeth Kenny
who died in Toowoomba on 30th November 1952.
During her lifetime she served her fellow men
in many countries in the fight against poliomyelitis.
Her untiring efforts and devotion to this cause brought hope to the stricken
and paved the way for successful treatment. She served not in vain.'