Birdsville War Memorial

Birdsville War Memorial - Australian Digger Statue maunfactured by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

Birdsville best known for the Birdsville Races and the Birdsville Track is also a very proud inland Australian township and urged on by World War 2 Veteran Mr. Ron O'Sullivan, a frequent visitor to the Birdsville area, the Diamantina Shire Council purchased a sandstone Australian Digger statue from J.H. Wagner & Sons in 2005 for the construction of the Birdsville War Memorial.  With careful crating the Digger Statue was transported from Toowoomba to Birdsville and erected onto a cairn made of local stones.  We acknowledge with special thanks the Queensland War Memorial Register and Queensland Department of Housing & Public Works for the supply of images from the Birdsville War Memorial.

Birdsville War Memorial- sandstone statue manufactured by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

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