Sandstone Reclining Desk Headstones

 Sandstone Reclining Desk Headstones supplied by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

Since 1896 J.H. Wagner & Sons have been supplying excellent quality Helidon Sandstone for memorial works and we continue to provide this beautiful natural stone for our range of Sandstone Reclining Desk Headstones.  Using the J.H. Wagner & Sons Helidon quarry for our stone selection and processing in our Toowoomba factory provides the opportunity to supply Sandstone Reclining Desk Hedstones in a range of six standard sizes or the option to manufacture to order.  Sandstone Reclining Desk Headstones may be placed directly onto a monument floor or we can supply a Sandstone mower strip base.  Granite panels and bronze plaques are supplied for your inscription requirements. 

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