Cottage Stone Walling Page 3

Cottage Stone Walling supplied by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

Cottage Stone Walling is supplied with split ends, however it may have the ends trimmed on site by the installer should this be a preferred appearance. 

If ends are trimmed on site the client will need to make allowance for extra material in their order quantity for waste percentage. 

The house shown on the right has used White Sandstone Cottage Stone Walling with trimmed ends.

White Cottage Stone Walling supplied by J.H. Wagner & Sons.
Mixed Colour Cottage Stone Walling supplied by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

Cottage Stone Walling shown on the left and below are Mixed Colour Sandstone with the ends being trimmed on site by the installer.

Cottage Stone Walling is supplied with split front and back faces however in this image some of the pieces have had further pitching work completed to achieve more of a 'Rockfaced' appearance.

The Sandstone Capping pieces were also manufactured by J.H. Wagner & Sons.  See here for more options on capping.

Mixed Colour Sandstone Cottage Stone supplied by J.H. Wagner & Sons.

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